Squarespace Custom Cart Slide Out


Add Squarespace Shopping Cart Slide Out to your Squarespace site easily. Configure Slide Out Plugin in the way you need with multiple settings to improve Ecommerce Conversions.

This plugin makes adding a Shopping Cart Drawer to your Squarespace site easy.

Supports latest Squarespace 7.0 templates and Squarespace 7.1.

After being enabled, Drawer may be showed on cart icon click or after user added some product to cart. Plugin is highly customizable, here the settings you may adjust:

One Site Version

Add To Cart

Add Squarespace Shopping Cart Slide Out to your Squarespace site easily. Configure Slide Out Plugin in the way you need with multiple settings to improve Ecommerce Conversions.

This plugin makes adding a Shopping Cart Drawer to your Squarespace site easy.

Supports latest Squarespace 7.0 templates and Squarespace 7.1.

After being enabled, Drawer may be showed on cart icon click or after user added some product to cart. Plugin is highly customizable, here the settings you may adjust:

One Site Version

Add Squarespace Shopping Cart Slide Out to your Squarespace site easily. Configure Slide Out Plugin in the way you need with multiple settings to improve Ecommerce Conversions.

This plugin makes adding a Shopping Cart Drawer to your Squarespace site easy.

Supports latest Squarespace 7.0 templates and Squarespace 7.1.

After being enabled, Drawer may be showed on cart icon click or after user added some product to cart. Plugin is highly customizable, here the settings you may adjust:

One Site Version

Plugin is per-site licensed

This plugin makes adding Cart Drawer to your Squarespace site easy. It supports latest Squarespace 7.0 templates and Squarespace 7.1. After being enabled, Drawer may be showed on cart icon click or after user added some product to cart. Plugin is highly customazible, here the settings you may adjust:

window.customCartDrawer = {
        showOnHover: false,// show Drawer panel on cart icon or link hover
        position: 'right', //right, left
        width: '360px', //css valid drawer width
        height: '100%', //css valid drawer height
        margin: '0', // css valid margin for drawer container
        effect: 'slide', //slide, fade
        effectDuration: '0.4s', //appearing effect duration in ms or s
        effectEasing: 'cubic-bezier(.55,0,.1,1)', //valid css easing, like: ease, linear, cubic-bezier
        backgroundColor: '#fff', //drawer background color
        color: '#000', //drawer main text color 
        basicFontSize: '13px', //drawer base font size
        basicFontFamily: '',//set the drawer font
        useCustomScrollbar: true, //use custom scrollbar, works in webkit browsers only
        scrollbarTrackColor: '#ccc', //webkit browsers scrolltrack color
        scrollbarThumbColor: '#000', //webkit browsers scrollthumb color
        scrollbarWidth: '4px', //webkit browsers scrollbar width
        overlayColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)', //overlay color to fade main site content
        closeIconSize: '22px', //drawer close icon size
        closeIconColor: '#000', //drawer close icon color
        closeIconBackgroundColor: '#fff', //drawer close icon background
        closeIconPosition: 'left', //left, right
        closeIconTop: '0px', //css top position of icon, 0 is default
        closeIconView: 'outside', // available inside, outside. outside is default
        headerText: '', //set the text of Cart Header
        headerColor: '#000', //header text color
        headerFontSize: '30px', //header text font-size
        headerFontFamily: '',//set the Cart Header font-family
        headerTextAlign: 'right', //header text-align: left, center, right
        headerMargin: '0', // valid css margin
        headerTextTransform: 'none', //set valid css text-transform: uppercase,capitalize,lowercase
        itemText: '',// set own Item text
        quantityText: '',// set own Quantity text
        productFontSize: '',// set product title font size
        productFontFamily: '',// set product title font-family
        productColor: 'inherit',//set product title color
        variantFontSize: '',//set product variant font size
        variantFontFamily: '',//set product variant font-family
        variantColor: 'inherit',// set variant options colors
        pricesPreText: 'Price:',//add some text to prices
        pricesFontFamily: '',//price font-family
        pricesFontSize: '',//price font size
        pricesColor: 'inherit',//price color
        subTotalAlign: 'right', //subtotal text-align
        subTotalFontSize: '16px', //subtotal font-size
        subTotalFontFamily: '',//add subtotal font-family
        subTotalText: '',// set the subtotal text
        subTotalColor: '',// set the subtotal text color
        checkoutButtonText: '', // set the text of checkout Button
        checkoutButtonFontSize: '13px', //checkout button font-size
        checkoutButtonFontFamily: '',//add checkout button font-family
        checkoutButtonColor: '#fff', //checkout button color
        checkoutButtonBackgroundColor: '#000', //checkout button background color
        checkoutButtonAlign: 'right', //checkout button align
        showIfCartUpdated: true, //show drawer if product was added/removed from cart
        restrictShowOnUpdateUrls: '/url-1, /url-2', // urls where you do not want Cart Drawer appear after each cart update
        closeOnOverlayClick: true, //close drawer if site or overlay clicked
        onUpdateFunction: null //function called on each cart update and on initial build, has drawer YUI element and cart json data in callback: function(el,data){}

onUpdateFunction Using

onUpdateFunction in config is the function that runs on Drawer init and each time you upadate the cart with adding/removing/editing products. So this function may be used to append your custom elements into Drawer or re-render things or any other case you have in mind.

Let’s imagine you need to replace the Checkout button in drawer with your own button that will redirect user to some custom tips page and from there he may continue to go to /checkout or other pages according to your tips. Checkout button in cart is not just a link, this is a button element with click handler on it, so better just hide it and append your own link rather than having deal with button and event handlers. So that’s easy, and our onUpdateFunction becomes:

onUpdateFunction: function(drawer, data) {
	var checkout = drawer.one('.cart-checkout');
	var checkout_button = drawer.one('.cart-checkout-button');
	checkout_button&&checkout_button.hide();//hiding system checkout button
	if(checkout && !checkout.one('.custom-button')){
		checkout.append('<a style="margin-top:20px" href="/your-custom-tip-url" class="sqs-editable-button cart-checkout-button custom-button"><span>CHECKOUT</span></a>');//creating custom button as link with buttons classes